Holography News: Immunity Verification Using Holographic Fingerprint™ Tags from Authentic Vision

Salzburg, 22.07.2020 Authentic Vision was recently featured in Holography News, a comprehensive information source on the development of holographic products, technologies, services and markets for security, brand enhancement and industrial applications. We recently launched a GDPR ...


Salzburger Nachrichten: Wie die Blockchain die Mozartkugel fälschungssicher macht

Salzburg, den 30.09.2019 Während der Bitcoin-Kurs fällt, erobert die dahinter stehende Technologie neue Felder. Österreich will mitmischen: In Wien startet ein hoch dotiertes Blockchain-Zentrum. Was dies mit gepantschtem Olivenöl und Schokolade zu tun hat und ...


Anti Counterfeiting and Brand Protection Momentum: Authentic Vision Recognized Among Best Start Ups by Salzburg News

We are pleased to be profiled by Salzburger Nachrichten in its best startups feature! This is a great way to wrap up in 2018, which has been a year of growing momentum. Our anti-counterfeiting solution ...

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